245 research outputs found

    Kontextsensitive Prognoseverfahren für das Abnutzungsverhalten von technischen Systemen

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    Technische Systeme nutzen sich ab. Dadurch bedingt kommt es zu Ausfällen. Um die Funktionstüchtigkeit von abgenutzten technischen Systemen wiederherzustellen, werden Instandsetzungsmaßnahmen durchgeführt. Da die Folgen eines unerwartet eintretenden Ausfalls drastisch sein können, ist es sinnvoll, das Abnutzungsverhalten eines technischen Systems vorherzusagen und so den Zeitpunkt von Instandsetzungsmaßnahmen zielgerichtet zu planen. Die Erstellung von Abnutzungsprognosen wird dadurch erschwert, dass sich technische Systeme oft variabel, in Abhängigkeit von auf sie einwirkenden Beanspruchungen, abnutzen. Außerdem wird diese Abnutzungsvariabilität von betriebsbedingten Einflüssen überlagert, was deren Modellierung erschwert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden deshalb Lösungsansätze entwickelt, die es ermöglichen, die Abnutzungsvariabilität eines technischen Systems in Abnutzungsprognosen zu integrieren und dabei betriebsbedingte Einflüsse zu berücksichtigen. Somit können Instandsetzungsmaßnahmen präziser geplant, Ressourcen geschont sowie Kosten reduziert werden.Technical systems are prone to deterioration. This leads to negative consequences like break-downs. Maintenance actions are executed in order to transfer technical systems back into healthy states. If break downs occur suddenly, the consequences can be dramatic. Therefore, it is reasonable to schedule maintenance actions based on health-state predictions. Thereby, health state predictions are impeded by the fact that technical systems often deteriorate variably, depending on certain stress factors. Furthermore, the effects of variable deterioration behavior can be hidden by system specific behavior. Thus, approaches are shown which integrate variable deterioration behavior into healthstate predictions while influences caused by the system specific behavior are considered. Consequently, maintenance actions can be scheduled more efficiently which spares resources and reduces costs

    Fieldwork in a Hall of Mirrors: An Anthropology of Anthropology in Business

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    An increasing number of anthropology graduates find employment in business organisations, often as culture experts or consultants drawing on ethnographic methods. In this paper I will use my fieldwork experience in the Human Resource Department of Bang & Olufsen to explore the borders and crossovers between anthropological research and anthropological consultancy. Fieldwork took place among human resource consultants (some of them with an anthropological background) who worked for business, i.e. who used ethnographic methods and worked on identifying, describing and communicating the fundamental corporate values, or, as it were, the ’corporate religion’ of the company. How does it affect research stratagems and methodology when the HR employees are in a clear sense both participants in and observers of their own social reality? Is it at all feasible or possible to maintain a distinction between ethnographer and consultant, participant observers and observing participants? Although the distinction between ethnographer and employee cannot be drawn easily, I want to argue that the fact that it is impossible to maintain a watertight separation does not imply that we should abandon the attempt to make the distinction. Being aware of the similarities and overlaps as well as acknowledging the differences is a crucial part of the anthropological methodology

    Letter from the Editors

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    A Few Words from U No Hoo ...

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    Reversible antibiotic tolerance induced in <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> by concurrent drug exposure

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    ABSTRACT   Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus to beta-lactam antibiotics has led to increasing use of the glycopeptide antibiotic vancomycin as a life-saving treatment for major S. aureus infections. Coinfection by an unrelated bacterial species may necessitate concurrent treatment with a second antibiotic that targets the coinfecting pathogen. While investigating factors that affect bacterial antibiotic sensitivity, we discovered that susceptibility of S. aureus to vancomycin is reduced by concurrent exposure to colistin, a cationic peptide antimicrobial employed to treat infections by Gram-negative pathogens. We show that colistin-induced vancomycin tolerance persists only as long as the inducer is present and is accompanied by gene expression changes similar to those resulting from mutations that produce stably inherited reduction of vancomycin sensitivity (vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus [VISA] strains). As colistin-induced vancomycin tolerance is reversible, it may not be detected by routine sensitivity testing and may be responsible for treatment failure at vancomycin doses expected to be clinically effective based on such routine testing. IMPORTANCE   Commonly, antibiotic resistance is associated with permanent genetic changes, such as point mutations or acquisition of resistance genes. We show that phenotypic resistance can arise where changes in gene expression result in tolerance to an antibiotic without any accompanying genetic changes. Specifically, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) behaves like vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus (VISA) upon exposure to colistin, which is currently used against infections by Gram-negative bacteria. Vancomycin is a last-resort drug for treatment of serious S. aureus infections, and VISA is associated with poor clinical prognosis. Phenotypic and reversible resistance will not be revealed by standard susceptibility testing and may underlie treatment failure

    Optimization of a Micromixer with Automatic Differentiation

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    As micromixers offer the cheap and simple mixing of fluids and suspensions, they have become a key device in microfluidics. Their mixing performance can be significantly increased by periodically varying the inlet pressure, which leads to a non-static flow and improved mixing process. In this work, a micromixer with a T-junction and a meandering channel is considered. A periodic pulse function for the inlet pressure is numerically optimized with regard to frequency, amplitude and shape. Thereunto, fluid flow and adsorptive concentration are simulated three-dimensionally with a lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) in OpenLB. Its implementation is then combined with forward automatic differentiation (AD), which allows for the generic application of fast gradient-based optimization schemes. The mixing quality is shown to be increased by 21.4% in comparison to the static, passive regime. Methodically, the results confirm the suitability of the combination of LBM and AD to solve process-scale optimization problems and the improved accuracy of AD over difference quotient approaches in this context